
IE² maintains numerous relationships with qualified subcontractors, but often times, we are able to be more competitive by using our in-house skilled labor.  We have the ability to self-perform in areas that offer our clients substantial value including the following scopes of work:

  • Site Concrete: Sidewalks/Flatwork, Curb&Gutter, Concrete Paving, Headwalls/ Drainage, Retaining Walls, Detention Ponds
  • Building Concrete: Grade Beams/ Spread Footings, Drilled Piers, Slab on Grade/ Slab on Voids, CIP Structures/ Podium Decks, Tiltwall Panels, Structural and Architectural Shotcrete
  • Demolition
  • Metal Framing
  • Drywall
  • Acoustical Ceiling
  • Accessories
  • Rough Carpentry